AcaPixus RectFish

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RectFish will run on any Win32 environment, be that either native or hosted, such as Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, or 8 or under Wine, CrossOver, or Darwine on Linux or OS X.

A minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 786 is recommended with a 24 bit colour depth. RectFish will require free available RAM equivalent to at least two times the image size. Note that the image size of a highly compressed image file is much larger than the file size.

Below is a screenshot of RectFish running on Ubuntu.

Below is a screenshot of RectFish running in Windows XP virtualized in Parallels on Mac OS X.
Curtesey of Joel Gambord.

Below is a screenshot of RectFish running in a Wineskin wrapper in Mac OS X Snow Leopard

Below is a screenshot of RectFish running on Windows 10 Technical Preview