AcaPixus RectFish

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AcaPixus RectFish may be used as freeware. However, unlicensed RectFish either saves images at full resolution, but with watermarks, or at a reduced pixel size.

To obtain a license do the following:

  1. First purchase a license (US$ 30) at PayPal
    Notice as licenses are not refundable

  2. Then copy the license seed number obtained from the About/Licensing menu of the RectFish software

  3. Send an e-mail to containing the license seed number. 
    Make sure to use the same e-mail address as used when purchasing the license from PayPal
  4. Within a few days you will obtain your license number by e-mail.
    Make sure to check also your spam folder in this time, as the nature of the reply is seen as spam by some virus scanners.
  5. Finally, enter your license number into the licensing form and click "activate"

You installation of RectFish will now save images at 100% resolution and without watermarks.

Note that your license number will only work on the computer that generated the license seed number. New licenses will be issued at a reasonable frequency to facilitate upgrading your hardware.