AcaPixus IPTCtagger

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AcaPixus IPTCtagger enables a more efficient workflow for IPTC tagging your images. Rather than writing a single IPTC tag at a time within your favourite image editing software, you write your tags preferably in a spreadsheet program (i.e. Excel, Quattro Pro, Lotus 1-2-3, or the like) while viewing thumbnails of your images in another program. One column of the Excel data should correspond to file names. 

Below is a possible workflow using IPTCtagger:

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While viewing thumbnails of your images in a suitable software (e.g. ACDSee) write IPTC tags in a table in a spreadsheet program (e.g. Excel). This provides a much greater overview of the process and enables sophisticated copy and paste operations as well as spell checking in Excel

After finishing writing the IPTC data it is exported as a tab-delimited text file.


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An appropriate parsing scheme is set up in IPTCtagger. Constant text may be entered directly into parsing scheme. One field of the dataset should contain the filenames. Several different parsing schemes may be defined for different purposes.


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Finally, in IPTCtagger select the directory containing images to be tagged, the tab delimited text file containing IPTC tags, the desired parsing scheme, and the directory where to save the tagged images. For safety reasons, IPTCtagger will not accept the same directory for input and output - at least for the time being.


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After pressing the "Batch tag" button IPTCtagger will tag all the images listed in the IPTC data file if they are present in the input path and save them to the output path. The IPTC tags should be readably by any IPTC compatible software, like Photoshop, or service, like stock image bank.