AcaPixus IPTCtagger

Start | usage | info | revision history | requirements | download | licensing

IPTCtagger supports the following IPTC fields:


Key Description
Caption/Abstract Caption
Writer/Editor Caption Writer
Headline Headline
SpecialInstructions Instructions
ByLine Author
BylineTitle Author's Position
Credit Credit
Source Source
ObjectName Title
DateCreated Date Created
City City
Province/State State/Province
Country/PrimaryLocationCode Country Code
Country/PrimaryLocationName Country Name
OriginalTransmissionReference Transmission Reference
Category Category
SupplementalCategory Supplemental Categories*
Urgency Urgency
Keywords Keywords*
CopyrightNotice Copyright Notice
ReleaseDate Release Date
ReleaseTime Release Time
TimeCreated Time Created


The first revision of AcaPixus IPTCtagger was released on April 29th 2008. The program is still being developed and upgrades to new revisions are free to licensed users - and obviously unlicensed users as well.

Improvements to future revisions should include - not necessarily in this order:

  1. Embedding IPTC data as XMP format
  2. Append mode, clear mode
  3. Support for preserving EXIF info
  4. File format conversion, i.e. TIFF to JPEG