
AcaPixus PixBlender
Start | blending examples | info | download | licensing

AcaPixus PixBlender may be used as freeware. However, unlicensed PixBlender either saves images at full resolution, but with watermarks, or at a reduced pixel size.

To obtain a license do the following:

  1. First use the secure link below to purchase the license (US$ 15) at MyCommerse


  2. Then copy the license seed number obtained from the About/Licensing menu of the PixBlender software
  3. Send an e-mail to licensing@acapixus.dk containing the license seed number. 
    Make sure to use the same e-mail address as used when purchasing the license from MyCommerse.
  4. Within a few days you will obtain your license number by e-mail.
  5. Finally, enter your license number into the licensing form and click "activate"

You installation of PixBlender will now save images at 100% resolution and without watermarks.

Note that your license number will only work on the computer that generated the license seed number. New licenses will be issued at a reasonable frequency to facilitate upgrading your hardware.