AcaPixus PixBlender
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AcaPixus PixBlender is a Windows software for blending or merging several images into a single image.
Image blending examples will be added soon.
Noise reduction:
The blend mode "Average" can be used for
stacking images together to reduce noise.
Exposure extension:
The blend mode "Sum and divide by ..." is
essentially the same as above, except that the user gets to set the divisor.
This enable adding the exposure to effectively get a longer exposure time.
Star trails:
The blend mode "Brightest" is especially useful
for stacking partial star trail exposures, e.g. say 24 exposures of 5 minutes
each to get a full 2 hour star trail. Could also be used to blend fireworks
Headlight removal:
The blend mode "Darkest" can be used for
blending out head- and taillights from moving cars.
Moving object removal:
The blend modes "Median" and "Average
of commonest" can be used to blend out any moving objects darker or
brighter than the background. The "Median"
mode (fastest) can be used if no pixel is covered by moving objects in more than
half the images. The mode "Average of commonest"
can be used if moving objects cover pixels in more than half the images but
still for each pixel the background is the most common colour.
Moving object aggregation:
The blend modes "Different from first by RGB value
..." and "Most different from average"
can both be used to aggregate the moving objects. While the first mode is cumulative,
changing pixel values for each image progressively, the latter mode sets the
pixel value to the value most different from average. One difference is that if
a moving object exists in the first image it will be blended away by the "Different
from first by RGB value ..." mode but retained by the "Most
different from average" mode. On the other hand the former mode may
produce the most pleasing result if the moving object is overlapping from image
to image.
These modes could also be used for stacking star trails, but the "Brightest"
is substantially faster.
Other modes
More blending modes will be added as soon as possible.