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General digital photography sites

DPreview - Imaging-resource  - I-R lens reviews  - Phillip ReeveThe Digital Picture (with lens comparator)
Luminous-Landscape - - FredMiranda - Juza Photo - NickyBay

Youtube channels

Duade Paton - Jan Wegener - Christopher Frost - Richard Wong 


Canon camera and lenses

Canon Camera Museum - EFlenses CanonUSA - Allphotolenses
Canon Rumours - Northern Light Canon Rumours


Lens tests

Castleman lens reviews - OpticalLimits / - Westfall graphical of Photozone
- Photodo - Cameralabs 
Sharpness with/without teleconverter - Oleg Kikin lens test links

dSLR Autofocus at >5.6 (or >8.0)

Shuttermuse -dlcphotography - FredMiranda - dpreview1 - dpreview2

Extreme lenses

Cyberphoto List of lenses in Swedish - 10 expensiveCanon 400 mm f/2.0 prototype -
Petapixel Canon 300 mm f/1.8 - MarcoCavina Canon 300 mm f/1.8 - Petapixel  Zeiss 40 mm f/0.33 (trick) -

Fisheye lenses

The Fishlist

FD lenses and system

FD Lens Works 1986 by Christian Rollinger
Photo of Malaysia


Imaging-resource NiMH comparison test
The Battery University


Software lists

Techradar - Expert Photography -

RAW conversion

Capture One - On1

Image editing

Gimp - Topaz Labs - NeatImage -

Correcting Distortion and Color Fringing 
Understanding image sharpness part 2: Resolution and MTF curves in scanners and sharpening by Norman Koren

Some panorama software

Microsoft ICE - Hugin


A few scanning tips by Wayne Fulton